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A Time Timer Plus 20 Minute Timer.
A child sitting on the ground. They are holding the Time Timer up and turning the center-dial.
A Time Timer Plus 20 Minute Timer sits next to the sink on a kitchen counter.
A person smiling and holding a Time Timer Plus 20 Minute Timer.
Three people stand in front of a white board that is sectioned off by red tape. There are yellow post-its that have writing on them spread out through the table created by the tape. A Time Timer Plus 20 Minute Timer is sitting below the table on a wooden counter.
A demonstration of the location of the AA battery that powers the Time Timer Plus 20 Minute Timer.

Time Timer Plus 20 Minute

$42.49 USD

A display of colorful Solo Pencil Grips.

Solo Pencil Grip

From $0.99 USD

The Time Timer Original 12".
A Time TImer Original 12" sits next to a basket of pencils.
Two children  are playing a game on the floor. The Time Timer is behind them on a shelf.
A teacher is motioning to the board while several students sit on the carpeted floor in front of them. A Time Timer sits on the floor.

Time Timer Original 12”

$44.49 USD

The 20-Second Handwashing Timer.
The 20-Second Handwashing Timer on a bathroom sink while someone washes their hands.
20-Second Handwashing Timer
20-Second Handwashing Timer

20-Second Handwashing Timer

$11.49 USD

The top of a bubble tube with a Bracket attached to it. The Bracket is nailed to the wall.

Bracket for 4" Bubble Tubes

$16.95 USD

The ONO Roller Stainless Steel - Junior.
An animated GIF of a hand moving the ONO Roller Steel over a forearm.
A side-by-side comparison of the ONO Roller Steel - Junior and the ONO Roller Steel - Full.
Ono Roller size chart.

ONO Roller Steel - Junior Size

$73.49 USD

A large group of The Pencil Grips Jumbo in various colors.
A display of the many colors of The Pencil Grips Jumbo, and one red Jumbo on a pencil.
A child's hand holding a yellow Pencil Grips Jumbo on a pencil while tracing letters on a practice sheet.
An adults hand holds a purple Pencil Grips Jumbo on a pencil while scribbling on a piece of paper.

The Pencil Grip Jumbo

From $3.49 USD

The black and white Weighted Lap Dog.
Two children lie on a couch with their heads close together. The Barmy Weighted Lap Dog is on their chest.
A child sitting on a wooden chair at a kitchen table. They have the Barmy Weighted Lap Dog on their lap.
A presentation of the dimensions of the Barmy Weighted Lap Dog with the text: Dual-sided, sensory cover. Removable and washable cover.
A picture that demonstrates what the inside of the Barmy Weighted Lap Animals look like. The text reads: Inner Weighted Blanket; 4.8" pocket design for even distribution; 4 tie loops for maximum stability; Filled with non-toxic hypoallergenic glass beads; 100% breathable cotton.

Dog Weighted Lap Animal, 4 lb

$47.99 USD

Warmies Plush Gray Kitty (13")
A dispaly of Five of the Warmies Plush Animals.

Warmies Plush Gray Kitty (13")

$31.49 USD

Warmies Plush Starfish (13")
A dispaly of Five of the Warmies Plush Animals.

Warmies Plush Starfish (13")

$31.49 USD

Puppy Junior Warmies (9").
Puppy Junior Warmies (9").
Side view of the Puppy Junior Warmies (9").

Warmies Junior Puppy (9")

$15.99 USD