Sensory Room Favorites

Items in this category are common for sensory spaces; however, many other items are also incorporated in these spaces depending on specific needs. Sensory rooms can include balance boards, fidgets, and more. Contact us to customize your space. 

Sensory rooms, also known as sensory recovery areas, sensory spaces, and by other names are specially designed spaces that provide a variety of sensory experiences for individuals. These rooms are typically used to support individuals with sensory processing difficulties, such as those with autism spectrum disorders, sensory processing disorders, or other sensory needs. However, sensory systems are a human condition and sensory spaces can be integrated into homes, meditation rooms, medical offices, businesses, schools, childcare centers, waiting rooms, therapy offices, and more. 

Sensory spaces can be small to large. They can be built on, depending on budget. Sometimes starting with a few items and adding to the space over time is the best way to create the perfect space in home or elsewhere. When able, sensory spaces can be designed and built to meet the needs of the space and people using it. At Sensory Tool House, our sensory space experts can help you to create the perfect space for your needs. If you are interested in a free 30-minute consultation about creating your perfect space, email  

How can a sensory space benefit you or those you work with?

  • Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Sensory rooms are designed to create a calming and soothing atmosphere, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. This is especially helpful in medical offices and large gathering areas like stadiums, airports, and concert spaces. 
  • Regulation: Sensory rooms help individuals regulate their sensory input by providing a controlled and predictable environment. This can be especially beneficial for those who may become overwhelmed or overstimulated by sensory stimuli in their everyday surroundings.
  • Improved Focus and Attention: For some individuals, sensory rooms can help improve focus and attention by providing sensory input that meets their specific needs. This can be especially beneficial in educational settings.
  • Emotional Regulation: Sensory rooms can support emotional regulation by providing tools and activities that individuals can use to self-soothe and manage their emotions.
  • Communication: In some cases, sensory rooms can serve as a social setting where individuals can interact with others in a low-stress environment.
  • Sensory Exploration: Sensory rooms offer a safe and controlled space for individuals to explore and engage with various sensory stimuli. This exploration can enhance sensory awareness, encourage curiosity, and promote learning.
  • Therapeutic Tool: Sensory rooms are frequently used as a therapeutic tool in clinical and educational settings to address sensory-related challenges and support the overall well-being of individuals.

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